At Lokein, sellers have the privileges to list as many items as possible and utilise all Lokein features for FREE.

We only charge sellers with Final Value Fee when seller’s item is successfully sold. Lokein Final Value Fee Structure is as below:

  • Final Value Fee
    • (Local Online Banking via Billplz) – 7% from the total amount of a successful sold listing (excluding shipping) + RM0.60
    • (Via Stripe) – 7% from the total amount of a successful sold listing (excluding shipping) + RM0.60 Stripe fees


When a seller sold an item for RM100.00 + RM10.00 (Shipping Fee) = RM110.00,

  1. Final Value Fee (Local Online Banking via Billplz): 7% x RM100.00 + RM0.60 = RM7.00 + RM0.60 = RM7.60
  2. Final Value Fee (Via Stripe): 7% x RM100.00 + RM0.60 + Stripe fees = RM7.00 + RM0.60 + Stripe Fees = RM7.60 + Stripe Fees
  3. Learn more about Stripe Fees.
  • We know that our sellers are busy in managing their store. Hence, this Final Value Fee will straight away been deducted from the payment of a successful transaction at Lokein. Therefore, seller does NOT require to send any payment to us. All will be done in automation to save seller’s precious time so they can focus in managing their business.
  • An invoice for the Final Value Fee for each transaction is available for seller to download in the “Orders” tab at seller’s Selling Manager once a successful transaction occurs.

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