Buat kali kedua sejak dimulakan pada tahun 2020, ASEAN sekali lagi bakal menganjurkan acara yang paling dinanti-nantikan, ASEAN ONLINE SALE DAY pada 8 OGOS 2021,dalam usaha merangsang ekonomi melalui platform E-Dagang. Program ini, atau singkatannya, AOSD 2021 merupakan acara membeli-belah secara dalam talian yang pertama diadakan secara kolektif pada skala rantau Asia Tenggara, yang ditadbir oleh ASEAN Coordinating Committee on E-Commerce (ACCEC).
Untuk tahun ini, fokus LOKEIN adalah bagi terus mengukuhkan kedudukan sebagai hub lokal utama di Malaysia dalam mengetengahkan atau memperkenalkan produk-produk menarik hasil keluaran usahawan-usahawan berbakat tempatan, dan bukan sekadar industri bundle dan barangan terpakai seperti mana fokus LOKEIN sebelum ini. Matlamat LOKEIN tetap kukuh dan utuh biarpun dengan kekangan dan kesukaran di kala kelangsungan gelombang pandemik Covid-19 yang seakan tiada tanda-tanda akan berhenti dalam tempoh masa terdekat.
Antara nama-nama usahawan tempatan dan produk-produk yang akan diperkenalkan di dalam AOSD 2021 adalah seperti berikut:-
1. artwist.co
“In celebration of 40 Years Anniversary Tun Mahathir as the 4th Malaysia Prime Minister (1981 – 2021). Artwist designers create an exclusive series of Prime Minister Edition Malaysia Watches in cooperation with Yayasan Perdana Leadership & Arkib Negara Malaysia.”

“Gerbang ini adalah tanda sempadan ke pembukaan minda. Siapa yang menembusinya akan menemui jawaban pada apa yang dimusykilkan. Pada yang tak berganjak teruslah berkemungkinan.” – M.Nasir
Lukisan abstrak ini diinspirasikan dari keindahan Masjid Al Aqsa hasil lukisan tangan dari Datuk M.Nasir
2. BolaBros Football
“Bolabros seeks to share our great passion in football with local and international community by organising various exciting activities and events related to football.”

MEM Watches
MEM Watches is a specialist in designing and creating Counterclockwise time pieces and Walltickers TM. Counterclockwise, as the word illustrates that we turn the time around. Our watch designs serve as a reminder that if we can turn reading time in clockwise, something that is of second nature to us around, we could also be the positive difference wherever we are when we turn things around.

Taguwa-Ruwa is a clothing brand where the infusion of lifestyle styling design and modern apparel to make it suitable for all with various style applied to make it wearable across different gender and ages. Created to build creative freedom.

Afiat Oil
Founded in 1924 which began as a cottage industry, Syarikat Minyak Afiat has undergone through phases of transformations into becoming one of the leading herbal based products’ manufacturers. Equipped with cGMP, Halal and ISO 9001:2008 certification, we seek to offer safe and quality products to satisfy the need of health conscious users from all ages and all walks of life. Our herbal based products are ranging from traditional medication, OTC to health supplements. To easily reach our customers nationwide, our products are distributed over small outlets, pharmacies, hypermarkets as well as online orders.

Syilis Syiliscious
Bermula dengan resipi untuk santapan peribadi, kini sambal ready-to-eat Syilis telah menjadi pilihan no 1 bagi penggemar masakan pedas tetapi kekurangan waktu untuk memasak. Antara flavor yang paling laris adalah Sambal Petai Bilis dan Sambal Extra Hot.

East Honey & Herbs
” We are a team of locals, residing near the jungle area and most of us started honey harvesting since we were young. Our harvest usually starts in April and ends in Oct/November with some weeks earlier or later. During the harvest season, we camp near the harvest area, and wake up surrounded by tall trees and the swarming bees. Occasionally we hear sounds which we could not heard of, it gives us the chill but it never stops us from doing what we do best, climb the 130ft tall trees and harvest the honey. “
Penganjuran AOSD secara tahunan ini diharapkan dapat memberi sinar harapan kepada usahawan-usahawan, pengalaman membeli belah baharu yang mengujakan kepada pembeli-pembeli dan memberi mesej positif kepada dunia bahawa ASEAN begitu menyambut baik dan terbuka kepada ruang perniagaan dan menyampaikan solidariti ASEAN sepanjang atau diharapkan sehingga tamatnya pandemik Covid-19 kelak.
Editor's Pick – AOSD 2021
RM 90.00
RM 400.00
RM 400.00
RM 600.00
RM 699.00 -
RM 1,600.00
RM 1,999.00Store: Flagship – Celebrity BundleOff White c/o Virgil Abloh Hoodie “Main Label” New With Hangtag L
RM 1,600.00RM 1,999.00 -
RM 499.00
RM 5.00
RM 20.00Store: klikshopmall collectionBLOUSE / TSHIRT / KNITWARE / JACKET / DRESS CODE MCM 249
RM 5.00RM 20.00 -
RM 290.00
RM 650.00
RM 4,200.00
RM 2,700.00
RM 85.00
RM 45.00
RM 50.00 -
RM 175.00
RM 60.00
RM 90.00
RM 230.00
RM 85.00
RM 100.00 -
Stussy T-shirt
Store: zakaria AnjangAuction Expired -
RM 370.00
RM 430.00 -
RM 700.00
RM 900.00
RM 900.00
RM 900.00
RM 1,000.00
RM 1,000.00
RM 850.00
RM 1,300.00
RM 20,000.00
RM 850.00
RM 550.00
RM 100.00
RM 120.00 -
RM 80.00
RM 24,000.00
RM 15,000.00
RM 2,999.00
RM 1,599.00
RM 999.00
RM 495.00
RM 550.00 -
RM 1,080.00
RM 1,200.00 -
RM 810.00
RM 900.00 -
RM 299.00
RM 499.00 -
RM 499.00
RM 599.00 -
RM 298.70
RM 499.00 -
RM 249.60
RM 350.00 -
RM 199.00
RM 399.00 -
RM 299.00
RM 499.00 -
RM 15.00
RM 65.00 -
RM 7,999.00
RM 50.00
RM 75.00
RM 120.00 -
RM 280.00
RM 350.00 -
RM 1,250.00
RM 1,550.00 -
RM 550.00
RM 650.00Store: HANN PICKS & FINDSAuthentic Vintage 1990 Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation Tour Tee L USA
RM 550.00RM 650.00 -
RM 180.00
RM 250.00 -
RM 300.00
RM 480.00Store: HANN PICKS & FINDSAuthentic Vintage 1995 No Doubt Anaheim Band Tee Wild Oat USA
RM 300.00RM 480.00 -
RM 150.00
RM 220.00 -
RM 1,999.00
RM 3,500.00Store: Flagship – Celebrity BundleRare Raptees Public Enemy 1988 50/50 T-shirt L
RM 1,999.00RM 3,500.00 -
RM 100,000.00
RM 150.00
RM 43.00
RM 75.00 -
RM 210.00
RM 350.00 -
RM 150.00
RM 45.00
RM 280.00
RM 285.00
RM 100.00
RM 80.00
RM 80.00
RM 80.00
RM 80.00
RM 80.00
RM 45.00
RM 200.00
RM 98.00
RM 388.00
RM 288.00
RM 489.00
RM 250.00
RM 250.00
RM 500.00
RM 600.00
RM 160.00