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Gobi Partners is one of the largest Pan-Asian venture capital firms founded in 2002. The goal of Gobi Partners is to connect entrepreneurs worldwide and provide a chance for start-up companies to rise and build equity by investment into start-up companies. Gobi Partners invested in over 200 start-up companies and support entrepreneurs from an early stage.

Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) was founded in 1996. The mission of the agency is to help digital markets to grow and prosper. Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation focuses on accelerating the digital economy of Malaysia and assuring its economical leadership in South-East Asia.
SuperSeed 2 Championship was presented in May 2020 from Gobi Partners in association with the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). During SuperSeed 2 Championship sixty-four start-up companies were handpicked and selected for a chance, where only four start-ups out sixty-four can win a prize of RM 15 million and not only that but as well as participate in appropriate entrepreneurship program with e-commerce tycoons like Alibaba and enter to Sunway Group’s iLab Accelerator Program.
The SuperSeed 2 Championship consists of four stages. Only in stage one out hundreds of applicants, only sixty-four were chosen. Each stage was completely transparent because it was based on online votes of people who loves and use the services of these start-up companies combining with judges voting & the two VCs committee preliminary selection via a 30 minutes zoom call. Also, each stage included creative challenges that tested the skills of sixty-four companies. For instance, stage two of the championship challenged the start-up companies to create a three-minute video of a summary about the company; only sixteen companies proceeded to stage three. In stage three, the remaining sixteen companies out of sixty-four had a chance to be screened by the investment committee for a preliminary 30 minutes zoom call.
In the forth and the last stage of the SuperSeed 2 Championship, only eight companies withstand the challenges and remained in the competition. These elite eight companies passed a long and difficult journey during the SuperSpeed 2 championship. These start-up companies were judged not solely on their professionalism, but as well as their teamwork, creativity, fundraising skills, social influence of their business and quality of the pitch.
Ultimately, Lokein advanced to the final stage of SuperSeed 2 Championship proving again that it is Malaysia’s Prime Online Marketplace and now Lokein stands a chance to secure RM 15 million funds from Gobi Partners in association with the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). For those, who are not familiar with this start-up company.
Lokein company was founded in January 2019 by Wan Mohd Hafiz Wan Idris, Nur Hafizi Abdul Majid, and Mohd Zaidi Mohd Zuki. Lokein is an e-commerce platform that provides a space for trustworthy sellers, where they can start selling almost everything; clothes, accessories, video games, electronics, furniture, etc. Also, it provides a 100% guarantee of secure payment with safe checkout. Moreover, compared to different online selling platforms Lokein | Malaysia’s Prime Online Marketplace offers unique features such as auctions and selling worldwide. The primary focus of the Lokein company is on the online selling of vintage items, collectibles, and pre-loved items. Also, Lokein provides gamification features on their online platform where customers can collect points and use them to get discounts or for different purposes which makes this platform appealing for consumers.
In the last stage of SuperSeed 2 Championship, the awaiting challenge which Lokein and seven other competitive start-up companies are about to face includes a webinar pitch presentation this upcoming September 9, where each company is going to persuade investors. However, this time the expert judges will give points to each company, and only four companies out of eight will be absolute winners of the championship.
For those who are wondering, the expert judges are Balasubramaniam A. the head of a funding ecosystem at Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation, Jamaluddin Bujang a managing director, of Gobi Partners, Shahril Anas an acting CEO of Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (MAVCAP), Matt Van Leeuwen a chief innovation officer at Sunway and finally, Eric Cheng a co-Founder and CEO of Southeast Asia’s leading second-hand automobile selling service, Carsome.
In this competitive championship, the final elite eight companies have shown professionalism, dedication, and determination to win, but how the saying goes, “May the best man win”. To all who wants to watch the finale of the competition held by professionals register on this link.